Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Remodeling trends to consider for 2012

By: Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
Every New Year has its trends and 2012 is not an exception. For remodeling, the trends are about combining practicality, functionality and beauty. They are also about remodel projects that make the home better suited to how we live today.

For example, a previously neglected area of the home is now drawing the attention of many home remodelers. It’s the mudroom.

1) It’s the mudroom. It may seem unimportant but today, with a greater focus on practicality, many are seeing a remodel of the mud room as a great way to manage and eliminate clutter. Closets, hooks, shelving and other features are great for storage and the mudroom is well-suited for this.

2) It use to be seen as the home office but now many are viewing this space as a life-style center. What does this mean?

While still functioning as a home office, many see the potential for more. With a few changes, it can be an area where children can do homework. Parents can monitor them while also managing bills and household expenses. Adding more than one computer to the room, especially when combined with a wireless home network, allows everyone to do their electronic and other work in the life-style center.

3) Steam showers are growing in popularity as many homeowners look at changes for their bathrooms. The attraction of the steam shower is its ability to conserve water as well as provide a therapeutic capability. It also can reduce water costs!

As you can see, all of these add to the value and functionality of the home while also making it more attractive.

There is yet one other trend that is building. It is radiant heating throughout the home. It combines the practical with comfort. We’ll tell you more about this trend in next month’s newsletter. It’s one we think you’ll find fascinating!

Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
8630-A Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031

Tips on updating the laundry room

By: Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes

Does anyone ever think of a remodeling project that involves the laundry room? We don’t often think of it but a remodel can accomplish a couple of things: 1) make the room an easier, more effective space to use and, 2) be an important plus to new home buyers when you’re thinking of selling your home.

Here are a few tips to consider for updating your laundry room.

1) Color. There is no reason why the laundry room has to be drab. You can make it a more cheerful, welcoming space by simply painting the walls with a color that gives it those qualities.

2) Lighting. A laundry room should be well lit because it is a work area and to do the work properly, good lighting is a must.

3) Storage. Even in a small laundry room, there is usually space above where shelves can be added so detergent and other laundry room supplies can be stored – out of the way yet easily accessed.

4) Machines. Your current washer and dryer may work well and not need updating. But if you’re thinking of selling, you might want to consider putting new machines in as this could be a key bonus to a new home buyer.

5) Space. Depending on where your laundry room is located, you may be able to do some remodeling that allows for the laundry room to be enlarged. This makes it a more welcoming area and also a more practical one if the enlarged space allows for a table for folding and organizing laundry. You can consider adding a drying rack as well for those items with gentler fabrics. With a large enough room you could also add shelves or cabinets for more storage.

Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
8630-A Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031
Tel:(703) 641-9800

Controlling costs on your remodel

By: Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes

A remodeling project that isn’t well planned can often lead to unexpected costs and turn your excitement over the project into an exercise in anxiety – and no one wants that.

You can keep your enthusiasm up by keeping your project on track and controlled. Simply keep a few things in mind and avoid certain pitfalls.

1) Know your budget and be realistic about what you can accomplish with it. And stick within your budget!

2) Ensure your project is well planned. If you’re entering new territory, consultants like those at Michael Nash can help you. Discuss what you are expecting to accomplish with them so they know what it is you want from the project.

3) You can help simplify by sticking to standard sizes for such things as fasteners and fixings. Choosing materials that are relatively common helps ensure that contractors are familiar with them and can accomplish their work relatively easily. It also means that the items are easily found and, if necessary, quickly replaced.

4) Unless you are well skilled and are very familiar with certain types of work, avoid the do-it-yourself approach. The money you think you are saving can easily turn into a very costly venture when work is not done correctly. This is especially true when it comes to electrical work, plumbing, bricklaying and other highly skilled work.

5) Avoid choosing cheap materials and other products as a way to keep costs down. The old saying is true – you get what you pay for. You don’t have to choose the most expensive but for quality (such as durability) consider using at least mid-range cost materials and products. This includes such things as nails and screws. This helps avoid the problem of future costs due to cheap materials.

Michael Nash Design, Build & Homes
8630-A Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031
Tel:(703) 641-9800